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Alchin Long Group, Wetherill Park facility – Performance Drivers Consortium site tour


Alchin Long Group logo on site visit report

Improvement, innovation and passion. These three words that sum up what drives the team at Alchin Long.

Alchin Long Group (ALG) is the parent company of five leading global hardware brands. More than 140 staff members work at the 12,000 m2 state-of-the-art Wetherill Park facility

National Operations Manager, Graham Lee and members of the team spoke enthusiastically about their improvement initiatives, before leading the tour.

ALG’s innovation and determination has many effects which site tour participants noted:

  • When management is genuinely invested in success, and has plans and a vision for the future, their enthusiasm filters down and is felt within the workforce.

  • Early adoption of technology such as 3D printing, is motivating and enabling young engineers.

  • There are two types of people in any workforce - Leaners who weigh you down and Lifters who are engaged and want to be there.

  • It is possible to convince shopfloor teams to happily adopt a routine pause for exercise and a full assembly rotation roster.

  • It’s important to distinguish between management and floor KPIs. Consider how individuals at a specific level can influence corporate KPIs and adapt the measures, the feedback and the recognition accordingly.


Feedback from members of the Consortium attending the site visit:

“Very well organised, informative and a pleasure to be invited.”

“Excellent workshop presentations first class with great information.”


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